Joining Kit

Joining Kit (Employee)

1. Registration Form
2. Bank Account Intimation Form
3. Declaration of Physicians Form
4. Dependent Declaration Form
5. Employee Details Form
6. IACS HRMS Data (Excel Sheet)
7. IACS Identity Card Application Form
8. Library Identity Card Form
9. Medical I-Card Employee Form
10. Nomination for Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity Form
11. NPS-PRAN Application Form for New Entrant Employee
12. Registration Form for Email Account
13. CCS Conduct Rule, 1964
14. CCS, CCA Rule 1965
15. Vigilance Manual 2017

Joining Kit (Scholar)

1. Registration Form
2. Bank Account Intimation Form
3. Declaration of Physicians Form
4. HRMS Data For Scholars (Excel Sheet)
5. IACS Identity Card Application Form (Scholars)
6. Medical I-Card Scholars Form
7. PMC Form
8. Joining Report
9. Registration Form for Email Account
10.Library Membership Form