The Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, (established in July 1876), is the oldest national institution for higher learning. Till the early decades of this century the Association was the only place in India where higher research in Physical Sciences could be carried out. As a result students from all over India began assembling at Kolkata to work in the creative atmosphere of the Association. Many distinguished scientists of modern India had carried out research here. This was the place where Sir C V Raman did his monumental work, on Physical Optics leading to the discovery of the celebrated Effect which bears his name and won for him and India the first Nobel Prize in Science. K S Krishnan, S Bhagavantam, K Banerjee, L Srivastava, N K Sethi, C Prosad and M N Saha are some illustrious names out of scores of other eminent Indian Scientists who also worked here and enriched the research culture of the Association in the early decades.

It was a long felt dream to have Alumni information of IACS where one could catch up on former friends and colleagues. We tried to collect as much information as possible although the information is not yet complete. The present webpage is based on the inputs available till May 6, 2010.

We appeal to all members to visit this site and give us a feedback with their suggestions and comments for further improvement. We also appeal to those who have not yet submitted their input to send the same in the prescribed excel sheet to as soon as possible for inclusion of their data to make it more informative.



3. Raman Center for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Sciences