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Chem 24

27th-29th December

IACS Kolkata

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IACS is happy to announce a National Conference entitled: Chem 2024 on Dec 27 - Dec 29, 2024.

Chemistry as the central science has seen unprecedented advancement over the last few decades and remains integral to the vision of sustainable growth. To celebrate those advancements and the seminal developments made by the community we are organising this august event . This conference is envisioned to encompass all the major fields of chemistry over several technical sessions. Additionally, the conference will also feature evening perspective lectures and panel discussions with esteemed panelists and leaders in the field, who will engage in discourse on the future trajectory of the field, particularly in the context of India's present and future requirements.

Founded on July 29, 1876 by Dr Mahendra Lal Sircar, IACS is the oldest institute in India devoted to the pursuit of fundamental research in the frontier areas of basic sciences. Professor C V Raman worked at IACS during 1907 to 1933, and it is here that he discovered the celebrated Effect that bears his name and for which he was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930.