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Our group focuses on an unified understanding of phenomena at various length and time scales using techniques based on ab-initio and extended quantum mechanical methods. This group has contributed towards two – dimensional systems like silicene and other graphene analogues and provided a relationship between electronic structure and ground state properties. We study various aspects of both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and examine the role of metal particles. Quantum mechanical tunneling including carbon tunneling is investigated in various chemical transformations. Modeling of terahertz (THz) spectra of crystal polymorphs is studied through solid – state DFT phonon calculations. Optoelectronic properties of organic molecules for Singlet Fission is actively pursued for extremely high LED efficiency. Dynamical behavior of these systems at finite temperatures are captured using approximate methods like ab-initio MD or classical MD or even reactive MD depending on the time-scale of the chemical or physical phenomenon of interest. Recent interest have been to study solvent phase exfoliation of two-dimensional materials from their bulk van der Waals state of aggregation. One of our long-term interest lies in exploring rare and unusual interactions in chemistry like nc-2e bonds or ultrashort H...H non-bonded contacts and even hypervalent species in constained environments. While, these structures have at best, fleeting existence at ambient conditions many new phases of molecules/solids remain yet to be discovered particularly in the emerging area of high pressure chemistry.
Though computational chemistry is evolving and improving, we do realize that quantitative numbers are model dependent. Hence, most importantly, to gain a qualitative picture, we are always eager to work very closely with experimentalists to refine, reframe and even refute predictions.
1,4- Dithiine Derivative Blue Phosporene Black Phosporene
Recent Research News
Exotic Physics and Chemistry of Two-Dimensonal Phosphorus: Phosphorene, Perspective in J. Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017 (DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b01290).
Synthetic DNA-Base pairs with No Hydrogen bonds yet active as genetic materials! Unfortunately, our calculations show that they seem undergo photodegradation in light. Still miles to go towards un-natural genetic world..(See, Visible Light Mediated Excited State Relaxation in Synthetic Genetic Alphabet:d5SICS and dNaM, Chemistry - A Eur. J., 2017; DOI: 10.1002/chem.201702583).

Ayan Datta