Development of functional models of O2-activating nonheme iron enzymes
Dioxygen activation and bioinspired oxidations by transition metal complexes
Mechanistic studies of the peroxide/O2-dependent transformation reactions mediated/ catalyzed by biomimetic complexes
Application of biomimetic complexes in aerobic degradation of organic pollutants
Development of non-platinum metal complexes with therapeutic potentials
M. Sc. : Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 1998
Ph. D. : Max Planck Institute for Bioinorganic Chemistry, Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany, 2003
Post Doctoral Research Associate : Department of Chemistry and Center for Metals in Biocatalysis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, 2005
Visiting Faculty : Department of Inorganic Chemistry, IACS, Kolkata, 2006−2007
Assistant Professor : Department of Inorganic Chemistry, IACS, Kolkata, 2007-2012
Associate Professor : Department of Inorganic Chemistry, IACS, Kolkata, 2012-2016
Professor : Department of Inorganic Chemistry IACS, Kolkata, since January 2016
2024 95. RD Jana, A Das, R Samanta, S Banerjee, S Paul, TK Paine "Sterioelectronic Tuning of Bioinspired Nonheme Iron (IV)- Oxo Species by Amide Groups in Primary and Secondary Coordination Spheres for Selective Oxygenation Reactions" Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 44, 21042–21058 94. RD Shinde, AR Paraskar, J Kumar, E Ghosh, TK Paine, S Bhadra "Cobalt catalyzed -Hydroxylation of Arylacetic Equivqlents with Dioxygen" J. Org. Chem. 2024, 89, 13, 9666–9671 93. Liton Seikh, subhankar Sutradhar, Suman Dhara, Sudip Kumar Bera, Sanjib Panda, Tapan Kanti Paine, Goutam Kumar Lahiri "Sequential Oxygenation of Bis(β-diketiminate) on a Selective Diruthenium Platform" Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 22, 10312-10323 92. S Sutradhar, R Rahaman, S Bhattacharya, S Paul, TK Paine "Oxygenolytic cleavage of 1, 2-diols with dioxygen by a mononuclear nonheme iron complex: Mimicking the reaction of myo-inositol oxygenase" J. Inorg. Biochem. 2024, 257, 112611 2023 91. S Chatterjee, TK Paine "Dioxygen Reduction and Bioinspired Oxidations by Non-heme Iron (II)− α-Hydroxy Acid Complexes" Accounts of Chemical Research 56 (22), 3175-3187 90. Sachidulal Biswas, Srijan Narayan Chowdhury, Panjo Lepcha, Subhankar Sutradhar, Abhishek Das, Tapan Kanti Paine, Satadal Paul, Achintesh N Biswas "Electrochemical generation of high-valent oxo-manganese complexes featuring an anionic N5 ligand and their role in O–O bond formation" Dalton Transactions 52 (45), 16616-16630 89. A. Bera, D. Sheet,T. K. Paine,
"Iron(II)-α-keto acid complexes of tridentate ligands on gold nanoparticles: the effect of ligand geometry and immobilization on their dioxygen-dependent reactivity" 2022 88. R. D. Jana, B. Chakraborty , S. Paria, T. Ohta, R. Singh, S. Mandal, S. Paul, S. Itoh, and T. K. Paine, "Dioxygen Activation and Mandelate Decarboxylation by Iron(II) Complexes of N4 Ligands: Evidence for Dioxygen-Derived Intermediates from Cobalt Analogues" Inorg. Chem., 2022, 61, 27, 10461-10476 87. S. Munshi, A. Sinha, S. Yiga, S. Banerjee, R. Singh, Md. K. Hossain, M. Haukka, A. F. Valiati, R. D. Huelsmann, E. Martendal, R. Peralta, F. Xavier, O. F. Wendt, T. K. Paine and E. Nordlander “Hydrogen-Atom and Oxygen-Atom Transfer Reactivities of Iron(IV)-Oxo Complexes of Quinoline-Substituted Pentadentate Ligands” Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 870-884 86. I. Ghosh, B. Chakraborty, A. Bera, S. Paul and T. K. Paine, “Selective Oxygenation of C-H and C=C Bonds with H2O2 by High-Spin Cobalt(II)-Carboxylate Complexes” Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 2480-2492 2021 85. R. D. Jana, A. Das, T. K. Paine, "Enhancing Chemo- and Stereoselectivity in C-H Bond Oxygenation with H2O2 by Nonheme High-Spin Iron Catalysts: The Role of Lewis Acid and Multimetal Centers" Inorg. Chem., 2021, 60, 8, 5969-5979 84. S. Munshi, R. D. Jana, T. K. Paine "Oxidative Degradation of Toxic Organic Pollutants by Water Soluble Nonheme Iron(IV)-Oxo-Complexes of Polydentate Nitrogen Donor Ligands" Dalton Trans., 2021, 50, 5590-5597 83. Ivy Ghosh, T. K. Paine, “Functional Models for Dioxygen Activating Nonheme Monoiron Enzymes” Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry-III (Third Edition), 2021, Volume 8 (Bio-coordination Chemistry), 378-411 2020 82. J. Deb, T. R. Lakshman, I. Ghosh, S. S. Jana, T. K. Paine, “Mechanistic studies of in vitro anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory activities of Zn(II)-NSAID complexes of 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione” Dalton Trans. 2020, 49, 11375-11384 81. M. Pal, M. Malhotra, M. K. Mandal, T. K. Paine, P. Pal, “Recycling of wastewater from tannery industry through membrane-integrated hybrid treatment using a novel graphene oxide nanocomposite” J. Water Process. Eng. 2020, 36, 101324 80. S. Bhattacharya, R. Singh, T. K. Paine, “Effect of Ligand Fields on the Reactivity of O2-Activating Iron(II)-Benzilate Complexes of Neutral N5 Ligands” Chem. Asian J., 2020, 15, 1360–1368 79. B. Chakraborty, I. Ghosh, R. D. Jana, T. K. Paine, “Oxidative C-N Bond Cleavage of (2-Pyridylmethyl)amine-Based Tetradentate Supporting Ligands in Ternary Cobalt(II)-Carboxylate Complexes” Dalton Trans. 2020, 49, 3463 - 3472 78. S. Banerjee, T. K. Paine, “Bioinspired Iron(II)-b-Diketonate and Iron(II)-α-Hydroxy Ketone Complexes of a Carbanionic N3C Ligand: Oxidation of Metal Center vs C-C Bond Cleavage of Co-ligand with Dioxygen” Inorg. Chim. Acta 2020, 501, 119200 77. S. Bhattacharya, T. R. Lakshman, S. Sutradhar, C. K. Tiwari, T. K. Paine, “Bioinspired Oxidation of Oximes to Nitric Oxide with Dioxygen by a Nonheme Iron(II) Complex” J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2020, 25, 3-11 2019 76. R. Rahaman, S. Munshi, S. Banerjee, B. Chakraborty, S. Bhunia, T. K. Paine, “Dioxygen Reactivity of Iron(II)-Gentisate/1,4-Dihydroxy-2-naphthoate Complexes of N4 Ligands: Oxidative Coupling of 1,4-Dihydroxy-2-naphthoate” Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 16993–17004 75. S. Banerjee, D. Sheet, S. Sarkar, P. Halder, T. K. Paine, “Nickel Complexes of Ligands Derived from (o-Hydroxyphenyl) Dichalcogenide: Delocalised Redox States of Nickel and o-Chalcogenophenolate Ligand.” Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 17355–17363 74. S. Biswas, A. Mitra, S. Banerjee, R. Singh, A. Das, T. K. Paine, P. Bandyopadhyay, S. Paul, A. N. Biswas, “A High Spin Mn(IV)-Oxo Complex Generated via Stepwise Proton and Electron Transfer from Mn(III)-Hydroxo Precursor: Characterization and C-H Bond Cleavage Reactivity” Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 15, 9713-9722 73. I. Ghosh, S. Banerjee, S. Paul, T. Corona, T. K. Paine, “Highly Selective and Catalytic Oxygenations of C-H and C=C Bonds by a Mononuclear Nonheme High-Spin Iron(III)-Alkylperoxo Species” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 12534 –12539 (Hot Paper) 72. D. Sheet, A. Bera, R. D. Jana, T. K. Paine, “Oxidizing Ability of a Dioxygen-Activating Nonheme Iron(II)-Benzilate Complex Immobilized on Gold Nanoparticles” Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 4828−4841 71. R. Singh, G. Ganguly, S. Malinkin, S. Demeshko, F. Meyer, E. Nordlander, T. K. Paine, “A Mononuclear Nonheme Iron(IV)-Oxo Complex on N4Py Platform: Selective Oxygen Atom Transfer and C-H Bond Activation” Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 1862−1876 70. T. R. Lakshman, J. Deb, I. Ghosh, S. Sarkar, T. K. Paine, “Combining Anti-proliferative and Anti-inflammatory Activities in Ternary Metal-NSAID Complexes of Polypyridylamine Ligand” Inorg. Chim. Acta. 2019, 486, 663–668 2018 69. R. Rahaman, S. Munshi, T. K. Paine, “Bio-inspired Oxidation of 1-Aminocarboxylic Acids by a Nonheme Iron(II) Complex: Mimicking the Activity of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Oxidase” Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2018, 644, 745–751 68. S. Chatterjee, S. Bhattacharya, T. K. Paine, “Bioinspired Olefin cis-Dihydroxylation and Aliphatic C-H Bond Hydroxylation with Dioxygen Catalyzed by a Nonheme Iron Complex” Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 10160−10169 67. R. D. Jana, D. Sheet, S. Chatterjee, T. K. Paine, “Aliphatic C-H Bond Halogenation by Biomimetic Iron(II)-α-Keto Acid Complexes: Functional Models of Nonheme Iron Halogenases” Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 8769−8777 66. M. Pal, M. K. Mondal, T. K. Paine, P. Pal, “Purifying arsenic and fluoride-contaminated water by a novel graphene-based nanocomposite membrane of enhanced selectivity and sustained flux” Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2018, 25, 16579–16589 2017 65. K. K. Jana, V. K. Tiwari, D. K. Avasthi, T. K. Paine, P. Maiti, “New Generation Fuel Cell Membrane Using Swift Heavy Ions” ChemistrySelect 2017, 2, 6413-6437 64. S. Bhattacharya, R. Rahaman, S. Chatterjee, T. K. Paine, “Aliphatic C-C Bond Cleavage of α-Hydroxy Ketones by a Dioxygen- Derived Nucleophilic Iron-Oxygen Oxidant” Chem.-Eur. J. 2017, 23, 3815 –3818. 63. B. Chakraborty, R. D. Jana, R. Singh, S. Paria, T. K. Paine, “Reductive Activation of O2 by Nonheme Iron(II)-Benzilate Complexes of N4 Ligands: Effect of Ligand Topology on the Reactivity of O2-Derived Oxidants” Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 359−371 2016 62. R. Rahaman, B. Chakraborty, T. K. Paine, “Mimicking the Aromatic Ring Cleavage Activity of Gentisate-1,2-Dioxygenase by a Nonheme Iron Complex” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 13838 –13842 61. T. R. Lakshman, J. Deb, T. K. Paine, “Anti-inflammatory Activity and Enhanced COX-2 Selectivity of NO-Donating Zn(II)-NSAID Complexes” Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 14053 - 14057 60. D. Sheet, T. K. Paine, “Catalytic Alcohol Oxidation and Oxygen Atom Transfer Reactions with O2 by a Nonheme Iron(II)-α-Keto Acid Complex” Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 5322–5331 59. T. R. Lakshman, S. Chatterjee, B. Chakraborty, T. K. Paine, “Substrate-Dependent Aromatic Ring Fission of Catechol and 2-Aminophenol with O2 Catalyzed by a Nonheme Iron Complex of a Tripodal N4 Ligand” Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 8835–8844 58. S. Chatterjee, T. K. Paine, “Hydroxylation vs Halogenation of Aliphatic C-H Bond by a Dioxygen-Derived Iron-Oxygen Oxidant: Functional Mimicking of Iron Halogenases” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 7717 –7722 2015 57. R. Rahaman, S. Paria, T. K. Paine, “Aliphatic C–C Bond Cleavage of α-Hydroxy Ketones by Nonheme Iron(II) Complexes: Mechanistic Insight into the Reaction Catalyzed by 2,4¢-Dihydroxyacetophenone Dioxygenase” Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 10576-10586 56. S. Chatterjee, T. K. Paine, “Oxygenation of Organoboronic Acids by a Nonheme Iron(II) Complex: Mimicking Boronic Acid Monooxygenase Activity” Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 9727-9732 55. S. Chatterjee, T. K. Paine, “Olefin cis-Dihydroxylation and Aliphatic C-H Bond Oxygenation by a Dioxygen-Derived Electrophilic Iron-Oxygen Oxidant” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 9338-9342 54. J. Deb, T. R. Lakshman, T. K. Paine, S. S. Jana “In-depth mechanistic study of a newly synthesized non-platinum-naproxen complex as an anti-cancer agent” Annals of Oncology 2015, 26(suppl_9) Supplement 1:ix38. 53. D. Sheet, S. Bhattacharya, T. K. Paine “Dioxygen Activation and Two Consecutive Oxidative Decarboxylations of Phenylpyruvate by Nonheme Iron(II) Complexes: Functional Models of Hydroxymandelate Synthase (HMS) and CloR” Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 7681-7684 52. S. Chatterjee, T. K. Paine, “Oxygenative Aromatic Ring Cleavage of 2-Aminophenol with Dioxygen Catalyzed by a Nonheme Iron Complex: Catalytic Functional Model of 2-Aminophenol Dioxygenases” Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 1720-1727 2014 51. O. Das, T. K. Paine, “Copper Catalysts for Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols” Book Chapter, RSC Green Chemistry Book on “Transition Metal Catalysis in Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation”, Chapter 2, pp 40-69, 2014. 50. T. K. Paine, L. Que, Jr. “Dioxygen Activation by Biomimetic Iron Complexes of a-Keto Acids and a-Hydroxy Acids” Struct. Bond. 2014, 160, 39–56 49. S. Banerjee, P. Halder, T. K. Paine, “Probing the Reactivity of Redox-Active 2-Aminophenolates on Iron Complexes of a Carbanionic N3C Donor Ligand.” Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2014, 640, 1168–1176 (Invited article for a special issue of ZAAC to honor Prof. C. N. R. Rao on the occasion of his 80th birthday) 48. B. Chakraborty, S. Bhunya, A. Paul, T. K. Paine, “Reactivity of Biomimetic Iron(II)-2-Aminophenolate Complexes toward Dioxygen: Mechanistic Investigations on the Oxidative C-C Bond Cleavage of 2-Aminophenols” Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 4899−4912 47. S. Paria, S. Chatterjee, T. K. Paine, “Reactivity of an Iron-Oxygen Oxidant Generated upon Oxidative Decarboxylation of Biomimetic Iron(II)-α-Hydroxy Acid Complexes” Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 2810–2821 2013 46. D. Sheet, P. Halder, T. K. Paine, “Enhanced Reactivity of a Biomimetic Iron(II)-a-Keto Acid Complex through Immobilization on Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 13314-13318 45. S. Chatterjee, D. Sheet, T. K. Paine, “Catalytic and Regiospecific Extradiol Cleavage of Catechol by a Biomimetic Iron Complex” Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 10251-10253 44. B. Chakraborty, S. Maiti, T. K. Paine, “Influence of Anion on the Network Structure of One Dimensional Silver(I) Coordination Polymers of Dicompartmental N,N-Donor Ligands” Polyhedron 2013, 52, 122-127 (Invited article for a special issue to mark the 100th anniversary of the award of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor Alfred Werner) 43. O. Das, T. Malakar, A. Mandal, A. Paul, T. K. Paine, “Copper(II) Complexes of 3,4,5-Trisubstituted Pyrazolates: In Situ Formation of Pyrazole Rings from Different Carbon Centers” Chem. Asian. J. 2013, 8, 623-629 42. O. Das, S. Chatterjee, T. K. Paine, “Functional Models of α-Keto Acid Dependent Nonheme Iron Oxygenases: Synthesis and Reactivity of Biomimetic Iron(II)-Benzoylformate Complexes Supported by a 2,9-Dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline Ligand” J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2013, 18, 401-410 41. B. Chakraborty, T. K. Paine, “Oxidative Ring Cleavage of 2-Amino-4-tert-butylphenol by a Nonheme Iron(II) Complex: Functional Model of 2-Aminophenol Dioxygenases” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 920-924 2012 40. O. Das, T. K. Paine, “Mechanistic Studies of Copper(II)-Mediated Oxidation of vic-Dioxime to Furoxan” J. Chem. Sci. 2012, 124, 1269-1273 (Invited article for a special MTIC-XIV issue) 39. B. Chakraborty, P. Halder, P. R. Banerjee, T. K. Paine, “Oxidative C–C bond cleavage of α-ketoacids by cobalt(II) complexes of nitrogen donor ligands” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2012, 5843-5853 38. O. Das, T. K. Paine, “Aerobic Oxidation of Primary Alcohols Catalyzed by Copper Complexes of 1,10-Phenanthroline-Derived Ligands” Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 11476–11481 37. P. Halder, S. Paria, T. K. Paine, “Dioxygen Reactivity of Biomimetic Iron-Catecholate and Iron-Aminophenolate Complexes of Tris(2-pyridylthio)methanido Ligand: Oxidative C–C Bond Cleavage of Catechol vs o-Iminobenzosemiquinonato Radical Formation” Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 11778-11787 36. S. Paria, P. Halder, T. K. Paine, “Oxidative C–C Bond Cleavage of α-Hydroxy Ketone by a Functional Model of 2,4¢-Dihydroxyacetophenone Dioxygenase” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 6195–6199 2011 35. O. Das, S. Chatterjee, T. K. Paine, “Iron and cobalt complexes of 4,4,9,9-tetramethyl-5,8-diazadodecane-2,11-dione dioxime ligand: Synthesis, characterization and reactivity studies” J. Chem. Sci. 2011, 123, 839–846 (Invited article for a special issue on the occasion of International Year of Chemistry) 34. S. Paria, L. Que, Jr., T. K. Paine, “Oxidative Decarboxylation of Benzilic Acid by a Biomimetic Nonheme Iron(II) Complex: Evidence for an iron(IV)-oxo-hydroxo Oxidant from O2” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 11129–11132 33. O. Das, S. Paria, E. Zangrando, T. K. Paine, “Copper(II)-Mediated Oxidative Transformation of vic-Dioxime to Furoxan: Evidence for a Copper(II)-Dinitrosoalkene Intermediate” Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 11375–11383 32. B. Chakraborty, T. K. Paine, “Synthesis and characterization of cobalt(II)-salicylate complexes derived from N4-donor ligands: Stabilization of a hexameric water cluster in the lattice host of a cobalt(III)-salicylate complex” Inorg. Chim. Acta 2011, 378, 231–238 31. P. Halder, T. K. Paine, “Synthesis and characterization of cobalt complexes derived from tris(2-pyridylthio)methane ligand: Crystal structure of a cobalt(III) complex containing a cobalt–carbon bond’’ Indian J. Chem., 2011, 50A, 1394–1402 (Invited article for a special issue dedicated to Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray on the occasion of his 150th birth anniversary) 30. O. Das, E. Zangrando, T. K. Paine, “Reactivity of Nickel(II)- and Copper(II) Complexes of a b-Aminohydrazone Ligand with Pyridine-2-aldehyde: Macrocyclization vs Unprecedented Pyrazole Ring Synthesis via C–C Bond-Forming Reaction.” Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 8012–8019 29. S. Paria, P. Halder, B. Chakraborty, T. K. Paine, “Iron(II)-catecholate complexes of a monoanionic facial N3 ligand: Structural and functional models of the extradiol-cleaving catechol dioxygenases.” Indian J. Chem., 2011, 50A, 420–426 (Invited article for a special issue on Bioinorganic Chemistry) 28. B. Chakraborty, P. Halder, T. K. Paine, “Conformational supramolecular isomerism in one-dimensional silver(I) coordination polymer of a flexible bis(bidentate) N,N-donor ligand with p-xylyl spacer” Dalton Trans. 2011, 40, 3647–3654 27. T. K. Paine, D. Sheet, T. Weyhermüller, P. Chaudhuri, “Iron(II) Mediated Reductive Cleavage of Disulfide and Diselenide Bonds: Iron(III) Complexes of Mixed O,X,O and O,X (X = S, Se) Donor Ligands.” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2011, 5250–5257 26. P. Halder, T. K. Paine, “Rearrangement of the Tris(2-pyridylthio)methanido ligand in an Iron(II) Complex Containing an Fe–C Bond” Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 708–710 2010 25. S. Karmakar, O. Das, S. Ghosh, E. Zangrando, M. Johann, E. Rentschler, T. Weyhermüller, S. Khanra, T. K. Paine, “Hexanuclear copper(II) cage with {Cu3O∙∙∙H∙∙∙OCu3} core supported by a dicompartmental oxime ligand with m-xylyl spacer: synthesis, molecular structure and magnetic studies” Dalton Trans. 2010, 39, 10920–10927 24. S. Paria, P. Halder, T. K. Paine, “A Functional Model of Extradiol-cleaving Catechol Dioxygenases: Mimicking the 2-His-1-Carboxylate Facial Triad” Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 4518–4523 23. T. K. Paine, S. Paria, L. Que, Jr., “Oxidative decarboxylation of α-hydroxy acids by a functional model of the non-heme iron oxygenase, CloR” Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 1830–1832 (Hot article) 22. O. Das, N. N. Adarsh, A. Paul, T. K. Paine, “Copper(II) and Nickel(II) Complexes of β-Aminoketoxime Ligand: Syntheses, Crystal Structures, Magnetism, and Nickel(II) Templated Coupling of Oxime with Nitrile” Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 541–551 21. A. Mukherjee, M. A. Cranswick, M. Chakrabarti, T. K. Paine, K. Fujisawa, E. Münck, L. Que, Jr., “Oxygen Activation at Mononuclear Nonheme Iron Centers: A Superoxo Perspective” Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 3618–3628 20. P. Halder, E. Zangrando, T. K. Paine, “Copper(II) α-hydroxycarboxylate complexes of bis(2-pyridylcarbonyl)amine ligand: From mononuclear complex to one-dimensional coordination polymer.” Polyhedron 2010, 29, 434–440 (2009 Young Investigator Special Issue) 2009 19. P. Halder, A. Dey, T. K. Paine, “Molecular and Electronic Structure of a Nonheme Iron(II) Model Complex Containing an Iron–Carbon Bond” Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48, 11501–11503 18. P. Halder, B. Chakraborty, P. R. Banerjee, E. Zangrando, T. K. Paine, “Role of α-hydroxycarboxylic acids in the construction of supramolecular assemblies of nickel(II) complexes with nitrogen donor coligands” CrystEngComm 2009, 11, 2650–2659 17. P. Halder, E. Zangrando, T. K. Paine, “Self-Assembly of silver(I) and bis-bidentate N,N-donor ligands: from a tetranuclear complex to coordination polymers” Dalton Trans. 2009, 5386–5394 16. O. Das, E. Zangrando, T. K. Paine, “Angular trinuclear copper(II) complexes of N4O-donor ligand: Syntheses, crystal structures and magnetic properties” Inorg. Chim. Acta 2009, 362, 3617–3623 2008 15. P. Halder, P. R. Banerjee, E. Zangrando, T. K. Paine, “Effect of Ligand Spacer on Metallosupramolecular Architectures: From a Dinuclear Copper(II) Double Helicate to a Tetranuclear Copper(II) Complex” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2008, 5659–5665 14. O. Das, S. Paria, T. K. Paine, “Copper(II)-mediated oxidation of 1,2-dioxime to furoxan” Tetrahedron Letters 2008, 48, 5924–5927 2007 13. T. K. Paine, J. England, L. Que, Jr., “Iron-Catalyzed C2–C3 Bond Cleavage of Phenylpyruvate with O2: Insight into Aliphatic C–C Bond-Cleaving Dioxygenases” Chem. -Eur. J. 2007, 13, 6073–6081 2006 12. T. K. Paine, M. Costas, J. Kaizer, L. Que, Jr., “Oxoiron(IV) complexes of the tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine ligand family: effect of pyridine α-substituents.” J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 11, 272–276 11. M. P. Mehn, S. D. Brown, T. K. Paine, W. W. Brennessel, C. J. Cramer, J. C. Peters, L. Que, Jr., “High-spin and low-spin iron(II) complexes with facially-coordinated borohydride ligands” Dalton Trans. 2006, 1347–1351 2005 10. P. Chaudhuri, K. Wieghardt, T. Weyhermüller, T. K. Paine, S. Mukherjee, C. Mukherjee, “Biomimetic Metal-Radical Reactivity: Aerial Oxidation of Alcohols, Amines, Aminophenols and Catechols Catalyzed by Transition Metal Complexes” Biol. Chem. 2005, 386, 1023–1033. (Review article) 9. T. K. Paine, H. Zheng, L. Que, Jr., “Iron Coordination Chemistry of Phenylpyruvate: An Unexpected k3-Bridging Mode That Leads to Oxidative Cleavage of the C2–C3 Bond” Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 474–476 2004 8. T. K. Paine, T. Weyhermüller, L. D. Slep, F. Neese, E. Bill, E. Bothe, K. Wieghardt, P. Chaudhuri, “Non-Oxo Vanadium(IV) and Vanadyl(V) Complexes with Mixed O, X, O-Donor Ligands (X = S, Se, P, PO)” Inorg. Chem. 2004, 43, 7324–7338 7. T. K. Paine, T. Weyhermüller, K. Wieghardt, P. Chaudhuri, “Aerial oxidation of primary alcohols and amines catalysed by Cu(II) complexes of 2,2΄-selenobis(4,6-di-tert-butylphenol) providing [O, Se, O]- donor atoms” Dalton Trans. 2004, 2092–2101 2003 6. T. K. Paine, T. Weyhermüller, E. Bill, E. Bothe, P. Chaudhuri, “Non-Oxo Vanadium(IV) Complexes of Amine(bisphenolate) [O,N,O] Donor Ligands and Solution Studies of Isostructural VIV and MnIV Complexes” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2003, 4299–4307 5. T. K. Paine, E. Rentschler, T. Weyhermüller, P. Chaudhuri, “Polynuclear Nickel(II) Complexes: Preparation and Magnetic Properties of NiII4, NiII5, and NiII6 Species with Ligands containing OÇXÇO (X = S, Se or N) Donor Atoms” Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2003, 3167–3178 4. T. K. Paine, T. Weyhermüller, E. Bothe, K. Wieghardt, P. Chaudhuri, “Manganese complexes of mixed O, X, O-donor ligands (X = S or Se): Synthesis, characterization and catalytic reactivity” Dalton Trans. 2003, 3136–3144 2002 3. T. Weyhermüller, T. K. Paine, E. Bothe, E. Bill, P. Chaudhuri, “Complexes of an aminebis(phenolate) [O,N,O] donor ligand and EPR studies of isoelectronic, isostructural Cr(III) and Mn(IV) complexes” Inorg. Chim. Acta 2002, 337, 344–356 2. T. K. Paine, T. Weyhermüller, K. Wieghardt, P. Chaudhuri, “The Methanol-Methanolate CH3OH•••OCH3¯ Bridging Ligand: Tuning of Exchange Coupling by Hydrogen Bonds in Dimethoxo-Bridged Dichromium(III) Complexes” Inorg. Chem. 2002, 41, 6538–6540 2001 1. T. K. Paine, T. Weyhermüller, E. Bill, K. Wieghardt, P. Chaudhuri, “Synthesis and Reactivity Study of Trinuclear Cu(II)-Complex of 2,2΄-Selenobis(2,4-di-t-butylphenol) Ligand” J. Inorg. Biochem. 2001, 86, 368 |
Integrated PhD Course:
CH-413: Inorganic Chemistry-I (Structure and Reactivity of Inorganic Compounds)
CH-423: Inorganic Chemistry-II (Bonding, Spectra and Magnetism of Coordination Compounds, Organometallic Chemistry)
CH-416: Techniques in Chemistry-I (Mass Spectrometry, NMR Spectroscopy, Electroanalytical and Thermoanalytical Methods, Chromatographic Techniques)
CH-513: Inorganic Chemistry-III (Macrocyclic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry)
CH-417: Inorganic Chemistry Lab-I
CH-427: Inorganic Chemistry Lab-II
PhD Course:
PhD 07: Concepts, Models and Techniques in Chemistry
PhD 08: Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
Project Students Alumni
Mr. Priya Ranjan Banerjee, Project Student (Integrated PhD): 2007-2008
Ms. Satamita Samanta, Project Student (Integrated PhD): 2007-2008
Mr. Subhamoy Ghosh, Project Student (Integrated PhD): 2008-2009
Ms. Sohini Bose, Project Fellow: 2008-2009
Mr. Arghya Mandal, Summer Project Fellow, 2010
Mr. Subhadip Maiti, Project Student (Integrated PhD): 2011-2012
Ms. Sarmistha Bhunia, Project Student (Integrated PhD): 2014-2015
Mr. Chandan Kumar Tiwari (Integrated PhD): 2015-2016
Mr. Subhas Sarkar (Integrated PhD): 2017-2018
Ms. Arismita De (BS-Ms): 2019
Mr. Swarnab Kundu (Integrated PhD): 2019-2020
Mr. Rahul Sutradhar (Integrated PhD): 2020-2021
Piyush Dhali (Integrated PhD): 2021-2022
Ananya Hazra (Integrated PhD): 2022-2023
Sejuti Mukherjee (BS-MS): 2022-2024
Soumyadip Parya (Integrated PhD): 2023-2024
Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) Bronze Medal-2019
Indian Chemical Society, Professor B. N. Ghosh 80th Birthday Commemoration Award, 2018
Editorial Advisory Board Member of Inorganic Chemistry, since 2018
Editorial Advisory Board Member of the Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (JBIC), since 2016
A. V. Rama Rao Foundation Young Scientist Award–2012
INSA Medal for Young Scientist–2011
Ph.D Alumni
Dr. Oindrila Das
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2012
M.Sc. : Calcutta University
Thesis Title: Transition Metal Complexes of Aminoketone- and Phenanthroline-Derived Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity Studies
Young Scientist (Start-Up Research Grant, DST) , University of Calcutta,
Dr. Sayantan Paria
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2012
M.Sc. : IIT Roorkee
Thesis Title: Dioxygen Activation by Biomimetic Iron Complexes: Mechanistic Studies of Oxidative Transformation Reactions
Postdoctoral Fellow (JSPS), Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan (Supervisor: Prof. S. Itoh), 2013 - 2016
Postdoctoral Researcher, ICIQ International Postdoctoral Mobility Programme, Spain
(Supervisor: Prof. Antoni Llobet), 2016 - 2017
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 2017 - Present
Dr. Partha Halder
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2013
M.Sc. : Integrated Ph.D. (IACS)
Thesis Title: Reactivity of Biomimetic Iron Complexes Containing Iron-Carbon Bond
Assistant Professor, Scottish Church College, Kolkata, India, 2013 - Present
Dr. Biswarup Chakraborty
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2014
M.Sc. : Integrated Ph.D. (IACS)
Thesis Title: Transition Metal Complexes as Structural and Functional Models of C–C Bond Cleaving Dioxygenases
Postdoctoral Fellow, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel (Supervisor: Prof. I. Weinstock), 2015 - 2018
Postdoctoral Associate, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2019 - 2020
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 2020 - Present
Dr. Sayanti Chatterjee
M.Sc.: University of Calcutta
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2016
Thesis Title: Dioxygen Activation by Functional Models of Nonheme Iron Enzymes: Mechanistic Studies and Catalytic Applications
Research Associate I (IACS) March 2016 - December 2016
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Virginia, U.S.A., (Supervisor: Prof. C. W. Machan), 2017 - 2018
Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research fellow, Max Planck Institut für kohlenforschung, Mülheim, Germany, (Supervisor: Prof. Bill Morandi), June 2018 - August 2020
Postdoctoral Research fellow, Max Planck Institut für Chemische Energiekonversion, Mülheim, Germany, (Supervisor: Prof. Serena DeBeer), September 2020 - February 2022
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, February 2022- Present
Dr. Debobrata Sheet
M.Sc. : IIT Guwahati
Ph.D: Jadavpur University, 2016
Thesis Title: Nonheme Iron Complexes for Bioinspired Oxidations with Dioxygen: Enhanced Reactivity through Immobilization on Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles
Postdoctoral Researcher(BELSPO), Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences/Molecules, Solids and Reactivity, (IMCN/MOST),
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. (Supervisors: Prof. Sophie Hermans & Prof. Oliver Riant), 2017 - 2018
Assistant Professor, Presidency University, Kolkata, India, 2018 - Present
Dr. Triloke Ranjan Lakshman
M.Sc.: Calcutta University
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2020
Research Project: Ternary Metal Complexes Supported by Nitrogen Rich Ligands: Catalytic Applications and Therapeutic Potential
Indian Government Mint, Mumbai, India, 2016 - Present
Dr. Rubina Rahaman
M.Sc.: Calcutta University
Ph.D: Jadavpur University, 2018
Thesis Title: Biomimetic Models of C-C Bond cleaving Nonheme Oxygenases: Reactivity and Mechanistic Studies
Assistant Professor, Krishnagar Government College, Krishnagar, Nadia, West Bengal, India, 2018 - Present
Dr. Shrabanti Bhattacharya
M.Sc.: Visva Bharati University
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2020
Thesis Title: Dioxygen Activation and Substrate Oxidation by Biomimetic Iron Complexes: Mechanistic and Catalytic Studies of O2-Dependent Transformation Reactions
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Mississippi, U.S.A., (Supervisor: Prof. J. W. Jurss), 2020 - Nov, 2021
Postdoctoral Research Associate, UNC Chapel Hill, U.S.A., (Supervisor: Prof. Alex Miller), Dec, 2021 - Present
Dr. Sridhar Banerjee
M.Sc.: Integrated Ph.D. (IACS)
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2020
Thesis Title: Biomimetic Applications of Iron Complexes Supported by Carbanionic Ligands
Senior Research Scientist, Alembic Pharmceuticals Limited, Hyderabad, Telengna, 2020 - 2022
Scintific Writer, Sanofi, Hyderabad, Telengana, 2022-Present
Dr. Ivy Ghosh
Research Associate - I: Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, April 2021 – July 2021
M.Sc.: The University of Burdwan
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2021
Thesis Title: Selective and Catalytic Oxygenation of C-H and C=C Bonds with Peroxides Catalysed by Nonheme Iron and Cobalt Complexes
Research Fellow in Artificial Metalloenzymes (Leverhulme Trust), University of Birmingham, UK, (Supervisor: Dr. Anna Peacock and Dr. Paul Davies), August 2021 - Present
Dr. Rahul Dev jana
Research Associate - I: Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, April 2021 – October 2021
M.Sc.: IIT, Bombay
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2021
Thesis Title: Bioinspired Approaches to Selective Oxidation of Organic Substrates by Nonheme Iron Complexes
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Intracellular Catalysis, University of Houston, (Supervisor: Dr. Loi H. Do), November 2021 - Present
Dr. Sandip Munshi
M.Sc.: Jadavpur University, 2015
Ph.D.: Jadavpur University, 2021
Thesis Title: 'Tuning the Reactivity of High Valent Iron-Oxo Species: Effect of Redox Active Ligands and Equatorial Ligand Perturbation'
Postdoctoral Researcher
Synthèse, Réactivité et Catalyse Organométalliques (SRCO)
Institut de Chimie (UMR CNRS 7177) - Université de Strasbourg
Strasbourg, France
Dr. Abhijit Bera Pondicherry University
Ph.D: IACS, Kolkata (2023)
Medicinal Inorganic Chemist
University of wisconsin- Madison