Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

Name : Amit Majumdar

Department : School of Chemical Sciences
Designation : Professor
Contact : + 91 33 2473 4971 (Ext: 1165)
Email :


From left: Sayan Atta, Suchismita Karmakar, Arindam Basak, Ritapravo Halder, Soumik Karmakar, Dr. Amit Majumdar, Anuj Baran Chakraborty, Amit Mandal, Kamal Hossain

Research Objectives:

Our research group has been involved in the area of synthetic inorganic chemistry toward designing of proficient strategies to achieve synthesis and characterization of unusual transition metal complexes, relevant structural-functional model systems for important enzyme active sites and discovering unusual reactivity with a goal to expand the scope of synthetic inorganic chemistry as well as bioinorganic chemistry.

The specific areas of interest include:

  • Chemistry of reactive nitrogen species with thiol/hydrosulfide/polysulfide in the presence of redox active first row transition metals.
  • Functional modeling chemistry of flavodiiron nitric oxide reductases, conversion of NO to N2O, mechanistic aspects.
  • Thiolate, hydrosulfide and polychalcogenide complexes of first-row transition metals, selective synthesis, reactivity and mechanistic aspects.


Academic Profile

Academic Profile

Professional Positions:

October 2021 till date: Professor at IACS, Kolkata, India

August 2018 to October 2021: Associate Professor at IACS, Kolkata, India

August 2013 to August 2018: Assistant Professor at IACS, Kolkata, India.

September 2011 to July 2013: Postdoctoral Associate at MIT with Prof. Stephen J. Lippard
February 2009 to August 2011: Postdoctoral Associate at Harvard University with Prof. Richard H. Holm


Ph.D. (2008): Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. (Advisor: Prof. Sabyasachi Sarkar)
M.Sc. (2002): University of Calcutta, India.
B.Sc. (2000): Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur, University of Calcutta, India.


Ritapravo Halder             JRF (UGC), Joining Date:                          01/08/2023                           M.Sc. (IIT Kharagpur, 2022)           Reactivity of Thiolates, Nitrite        and Nitric Oxide with First-row         Transition Metal Complexes      1297,1192,1354     
Soumik Karmakar

SRF (CSIR), Joining Date: 01/10/2020
M.Sc.(University of Hyderabad)
Reactivity of thiolates and nitric oxide with first row transition metal complexes
Amit Mandal

JRF(UGC), Joining Date: 01/08/2022
M.Sc. (University of North Bengal)
Transition Metal Thiolates and Nitric Oxide Chemistry
Anuj Baran Chakraborty

SRF (CSIR), Joining Date: 01/10/2020
M.Sc. (University of Calcutta)
C-S Bond Hydrolysis and Nitric Oxide Chemistry
Rajib Hazra                                                                                JRF(UGC), Joining Date: 01/08/2024
M.Sc. (IIT Kharagpur, 2024)
C-S Bond Hydrolysis and Nitric Oxide Chemistry of first-row transition metals
Sayan Atta

SRF (CSIR), Joining Date: 29/07/2019
M.Sc. (IIT Guwahati)
Transition Metal Complexes of Thiolates, Polychalcogenides; Nitric oxide reactivity of diiron complexes
Arindam Basak

JRF(UGC), Joining Date: 01/08/2022
M.Sc. (University of Gour Banga)
Transition Metal Thiolates, Polychalcogenides and Nitric Oxide Chemistry
Kamal Hossain

SRF (UGC), Joining Date: 06/01/2020
M.Sc.(University of Kalyani)
Dinuclear transition metal complexes with thiolates, polychalcogenides and nitric oxide
Suchismita Karmakar

BS-MS, IACS, Joining Date: 01/06/2023
Reactivity of thiolates and nitric oxide with first row transition metal complexes
Srimayee Mukherjee

BS-MS, IISER Berhampur, Joining Date: 01/06/2024
C-S Bond Hydrolysis and Nitric Oxide Chemistry of first-row transition metals
Lipika Baral

MS-PhD, IACS, Joining Date: 01/07/2024
Reactivity of thiolates and nitric oxide with first row transition metal complexes




47. "Reduction of Nitrite in an Iron(II)-nitrito Compound by Thiols and Selenol Produces Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes via an {FeNO}7 Intermediate"

      Karmakar, S.; Patra, S.; Halder, R.; Karmakar, S.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 23202–23220


46. "Generation of Thiosulfate, Selenite, Dithiosulfite, Perthionitrite, Nitric Oxide, and Reactive Chalcogen Species by Binuclear Zinc(II)-Chalcogenolato/-Polychalcogenido Complexes"

       Atta, S.; Mandal, A.;  Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 202463, 15161-15176

45. "Reactivity of Thiolate and Hydrosulfide with a Mononuclear {FeNO}7 Complex Featuring a Very High N-O Stretching Frequency

       Karmakar, S.; Patra, S.; Pramanik, K.; Adhikary, A.; Dey, A.;* Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 8537-8555

44. "Nonheme Binuclear Transition Metal Complexes with Hydrosulfide and Polychalcogenides

      Hossain, K.; Atta, S.; Chakraborty, A.; Karmakar, S.; Majumdar, A.* Chem. Commun. 2024, 60, 4979-4998


43. "Carboxylate Bridged Binuclear Cobalt(II) Complexes Catalyze the Hydrolysis of Thiolates to Alcohols"

      Chakraborty, A. B.; Ganguly, T.; Bera, A.; Majumdar, A.* Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2024, 27e202400105

42. "Kinetic Isotope Effect Offers Selectivity in CO2 Reduction"

    Patra, S.; Atta, S.; Ghosh, S.; Majumdar, A.;* Dey, A.* Chem. Commun. 202460, 4826-4829

41. "Generation and Reactivity of Polychalcogenide Chains in Binuclear Cobalt(II) Complexes"

       Hossain, K.; Roy Choudhury, A.; Majumdar, A.* JACS Au. 2024, 2, 771–787.

40. "Reduction of Nitrite to Nitric Oxide and Generation of Reactive Chalcogen Species by Mononuclear Fe(II) and Zn(II) Complexes of Thiolate and Selenolate"

       Atta, S.; Mandal, A.; Saha, R.; Majumdar, A.* Dalton Trans. 2024, 53, 949-965 (Dalton Transactions HOT Articles)

39. "Transition Metal Mediated Hydrolysis of C-S Bonds: An Overview of a New Reaction Strategy"

       Ganguly, T.; Chakraborty, A. B.; Majumdar, A.* ACS Org. Inorg. Au 2023, 3, 332-349 

38. "Hydrolysis and Transfer Reactivity of the Coordinated Thiolate, Thiocarboxylate and Selenolate in Binuclear Zinc(II) Complexes"

       Chakraborty, A. B.; Ganguly, T.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 11095-11111

   37. "Redox Convergent Synthesis and Reactivity of a Cobalt(III)-pentasulfido Compound"

       Atta, S.; Majumdar, A.* Chem. Eur. J. 2023, 29e202203579

36. "Catalytic Hydrolysis of Thiolates to Alcohols"

       Ganguly, T.; Bera, A.; Chakraborty, A. B.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 7377-7386


35. "Binuclear Manganese(II)-Thiolate Complexes: Synthesis, Characterization and Nitrite Induced Structural Changes"

       Naskar, T.; Jana, M.; Majumdar, A.* J. Mol. Struct. 2022, 1262, 133041


34. "Polysulfido Chain in Binuclear Zinc(II) Complexes"

       Hossain, K.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61, 6295-6310


33. "Synthesis, Structural Diversity and Redox Reactions in 1, 2 Bis(diphenylphopshinoethane)Nickel(II)-Thiolate Complexes"

       Pal, N.; Naskar, T.; Majumdar, A.*, Inorg. Chim. Acta. 2022531,120738


32. "Synthesis and Redox Reactions of Binuclear Zinc(II)-thiolate Complexes with Elemental Sulfur"

       Naskar, T.; Pal, N.; Majumdar, A.*, New. J. Chem. 2021, 4522406-22416


31. "Reduction of NO by Diiron Complexes in Relation with Flavodiiron Nitric Oxide Reductases"

       Pal, N.; Jana, M.; Majumdar, A.* Chem. Commun. 2021, 57, 8682-8698 Chemical Communications Hot Articles.


30. "A Monohydrosulfidodinitrosyldiiron Complex That Generates N2O as a Model for Flavodiiron Nitric Oxide Reductases: Reaction Mechanism and Electronic Structure"

     Pal, N,; White, C.J.; Demeshko, S.; Meyer, F.; Lehnert, N.;* Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 15890-      15900 ("Renaissance in NO Chemistry" special issue)


29. "Thiolate Coordination vs. C-S Bond Cleavage of Thiolates in Dinickel(II) Complexes"

        Das, A.; Ganguly, T.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 944–958


28. "Functional Models for the Mono- and Di-nitrosyl Intermediates of FNORs: Semireduction versus Superreduction

      of NO"

  • Jana, M.; 
  • White, C. J.; 
  • Pal, N.; 
  • Demeshko, S.;
  •  Cordes (née Kupper), C.; 
  • Meyer, F.;
  • Lehnert, N.*; 
  • Majumdar, A.
  • *  
  • J.  Am.  Chem. Soc. 2020142, 6600-6616


27. "Comparative Study for the Cobalt(II) and Iron(II) Mediated Desulfurization of Disulfides Demonstrating That the C-S

      Bond Cleavage Step Precedes the S-S Bond Cleavage Step"

      Ganguly, T.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 4037-4048


26. "Iron(II) Mediated Desulfurization of Organosulfur Substrates Produces Nonheme Diiron(II)-hydrosulfides"

       Ganguly, T.; Das, A.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem.  2019, 58, 9998-10011


25. "Transfer of Hydrosulfide from Thiols to Iron(II): A Convenient Synthetic Route to Nonheme Diiron(II)-hydrosulfide


Pal, N.; Majumdar, A.* DaltonTrans. (Themed issue: Bioinspired Reactivity and Coordination Chemistry) 2019, 48, 5903-5908


24. "Cobalt(II) Mediated Desulfurization of Thiophenes, Sulfides and Thiols".

Ganguly, T.; Das, A.; Jana, M.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem.201857, 11306-11309 (Most Read Articles)


23. C–S Bond Cleavage, Redox Reactions and Dioxygen Activation by Nonheme Dicobalt(II) Complexes

Jana, M.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 617-632.


22. "Functional Mononitrosyl Diiron(II) Complex Mediates the Reduction of NO to N2O with Relevance for Flavodiiron NO Reductases"

Jana, M.; Pal, N.; White, C. J.; Kupper, C.; Meyer, F.; Lehnert, N.*; Majumdar A.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 14380-14383


21. "Mononuclear Bis(dithiolene) Mo(IV) and W(IV) Complexes with P, P; S, S; O, S and O, O Donor Ligands: A

       Comparative Reactivity Study"

Khatua, S.; Naskar, T.; Nandi, C.; Majumdar, A.* New. J. Chem. 2017, 41, 9769-9783


20.Model Compounds for Mo-Nitrate Reductases” in "Metalloenzymes in Denitrification: Applications and Environmental Impacts". Royal Society of Chemistry, Metallobiology Series, Eds. Moura, I.; Moura, J. J. G., Co-Eds. Pauleta, S. R.; Maia, L. November, 2016, Chapter 8, p. 170-184

Majumdar, A.; Sarkar, S.*


19.Cleavage of Carbon-Nitrogen Bond in 1,3,5-tri-tert-butyl-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane by Copper(I) Bromide

Khatua, S.; Majumdar, A.* J. Mol. Struct. 2016, 1120, 267-273


18.Controlling the Reactivity of Bifunctional Ligands: Carboxylate Bridged Nonheme Diiron(II) Complexes Bearing Free Thiol Groups

Pal, N.; Majumdar, A.* Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55, 3181-3191


17.Flavodiiron Nitric Oxide Reductases: Recent Developments in the Mechanistic Study and Model Chemistry for the Catalytic Reduction of NO

Khatua, S.; Majumdar, A.* J. Inorg. Biochem. 2015, 142, 145-153


16.Bioinorganic Modeling Chemistry of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenases: Description of Model Complexes, Current Status and Possible Future Scopes

Majumdar, A.* Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 12135-12145


15.Structural and Functional Models in Molybdenum and Tungsten Bioinorganic Chemistry: Description of Selected Model Complexes, Present Scenario and Possible Future Scopes

Majumdar, A.* Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 8990-9003


14. “Light-induced N2O production from a nonheme iron-nitrosyl dimer”. Jiang, Y.; Hayashi, T.; Matsumura, H.; Do, L. H.; Majumdar, A.; Lippard, S. J.*; Moënne-Loccoz, P.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 12524−12527


13. “Versatile Reactivity of a Solvent-Coordinated Diiron(II) Compound: Synthesis and Dioxygen Reactivity of a Mixed Valent FeIIFeIII Species”. Majumdar, A.; Apfel, U.-P.; Jiang,Y.; Moënne-Loccoz, P.; Lippard, S. J.* Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 167-181


12. “Mononitrosyl Non-HemeDiiron Complexes: Importance of Iron Oxidation State in Controlling the Extent of Nitrosylation”. Majumdar, A.; Lippard, S. J.* Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 13292-13294


11. “Bioinorganic Chemistry of Molybdenum and Tungsten Enzymes: A Structural-Functional Modelling Approach”. Majumdar, A.; Sarkar, S.* Coord. Chem. Rev. 2011, 255, 1039-1054


10. “Comparative Molecular Chemistry of Molybdenum and Tungsten and Its Relation to Hydroxylase and Oxotransferase Enzymes”. Holm, R. H.*; Solomon, E. I.*;

       Majumdar, A.; Tenderholt, A. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2011, 255, 993-1015


9. “Specific Incorporation of Chalcogenide Bridge Atoms in Molybdenum/Tungsten-Iron Sulfur Single Cubane Clusters”. Majumdar, A.; Holm. R. H.* Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 11242-11251


8. “Stabilization of 3:1 Site-Differentiated Cubane-Type Clusters in the [Fe4S4]1+ Core Oxidation State by Tertiary Phosphine Ligation: Synthesis, Core Structural Diversity and S = ½ Ground States”. Deng, L.; Majumdar, A.; Lo, W.; Holm. R. H.* Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 11118–11126


7. “Reactions of MonodithioleneTungsten(VI) Sulfido Complexes with Copper(I) in Relation to the Structure of the Active Site of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase”.Groysman, S.; Majumdar, A.; Zheng, S-L.; Holm.R. H.* Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 1082-1089


6. “Mixed Ligand Tris Chelate Complexes of Molybdenum (IV) and Tungsten (IV): A Comparative Experimental and Theoretical Study”. Majumdar, A.; Sarkar. S.* Inorg. Chim.Acta. 2009, 362, 3493-3501


5. “Necessity of Fine Tuning in Mo(IV) Bis(Dithiolene) Complexes to Warrant Nitrate Reduction”. Majumdar, A.; Pal, K.; Sarkar. S.* Dalton Trans. 2009,1927-1938


4. “Mono-oxo Bis(dithiolene) Mo(IV) / W(IV) Complexes as Building Blocks for Sulfide Bridged Bi and Tri-Nuclear Complexes”. Majumdar, A.; Mitra, J.; Pal, K.; Sarkar. S.* Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 5360 – 5364


3. “Selectivity of Thiolate Ligand and Preference of Substrate in Model Reactions of Dissimilatory Nitrate Reductase”.Majumdar, A.; Pal, K.; Sarkar. S.* Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47, 3393 – 3401


2. “Desoxo Molybdenum(IV) and Tungsten(IV) bis(dithiolene) Complexes: Monomer Dimer Interconversion Involving Reversible Thiol Bridge Formation". Majumdar, A.; Pal, K.; Nagarajan, K.; Sarkar , S.* Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46, 6136 – 6147


1. “Chemistry of [Et4N][MoIV(SPh)(PPh3)(mnt)2] as an Analogue of Dissimilatory Nitrate Reductase with its Inactivation on Substitution of Thiolate By Chloride”. Majumdar, A.; Pal, K.; Sarkar. S.* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 4196 – 4197



Postgraduate Course (previously integrated PhD course):

  • CHS4202 (Revised Course Structure): Main Group and Organometallic Chemistry (Main Group Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Metal Clusters, Modern Interpretation of Electronic Structure and Bonding in Main Group Compounds) 2020 onwards
  • SEC-4200/5200 (Seminar Course): 2019 onwards
  • Laboratory Course (CHS 4105): 2019
  • CHS4202 (Previously CH 423): Chemistry of the Elements (Main Group Chemistry, Inner Transition Elements, Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Chains, Rings, Cages and Clusters, Isopoly and Heteropoly Acids, Metal-Metal Bonds and Metal Clusters) 2018-2019
  • CH-423: Inorganic Chemistry-II (Bonding, Spectra and Magnetism of Coordination Compounds, Organometallic Chemistry, Inorganic Chains, Rings and Cages) 2016-2017

PhD Course:

PhD 07: Concepts, Models and Techniques in Chemistry (in 2016)




  • Two Inert Atmosphere Glove Boxes
  • Electrochemical analyzers 
  • UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
  • Three Rotary Evaporators Equipped with Recirculating Chillers and Diaphragm Pumps
  • Recirculating Chiller for Condensers in Fume Hood
  • Low Temperature Reaction Setup
  • Digital Precision Balances
  • Fume Hoods

Extramural Fundings:

  • SERB, IndiaProject File No.: CRG/2022/001931, Title: "Reactivity of Nitric Oxide, Thiolate and Hydrosulfide with Diiron Complexes", Duration: 23/12/2022 onwards, Rs. 42,83,200 (Rs. 32,83,200 from SERB + Rs. 10,00,000 from IACS). ONGOING
  • CSIR, India. Project No. 01(2972)/19/EMR-II, Title: "Nonheme Dinuclear Transition Metal Complexes with Sulfide and Hydrosulfide Ligands", Duration: 05/06/2019 - 04/06/2022, Rs. 14,00,000.  COMPLETED
  • SERB, IndiaProject No.: EMR/2017/000828, Title: "Comparative Reactivity of Nitric Oxide and Thiolates with Dinuclear Transition Metal Complexes", Duration: 18/08/2018 - 17/08/2021, Rs. 34,62,345.  COMPLETED
  • CSIR, India. Project No.: 01(2804)/14/EMR-II, Title: "Activation of Small Molecules Using Non-Heme, Carboxylate Bridged Diiron Complexes", Duration: 01/01/2015-31/12/2017, Fund: Rs. 6,00,000. COMPLETED
  • SERB, India. Project No.: SB/S1/IC-43/2013, Title: "Structural and Functional Models for the Active Sites of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenases", Duration: 28/05/2014-27/11/2017, Fund: Rs. 51,00,000. COMPLETED

Open Positions

PhD positions are available. Interested candidates with CSIR/UGC JRF are encouraged to apply.


Project Students Alumni

Past PhD Students
1. Dr. Suman Khatua (13/01/2014-05/03/2019): Thesis Title: "Synthesis and Reactivity of Molybdenum, Tungsten and Copper Complexes with N-, O- and S- donor Ligands". Thesis submitted on: 09/10/2018; Ph.D. Viva-voce completed on 12/06/2019. Current Position: Chemical Assistant at Central Revenues Control Laboratory.                       
2. Dr. Nabhendu Pal (09/09/2014-14/09/2020): Thesis Title: "Reactivity of Dioxygen and Nitric Oxide with Nonheme Diiron(II)-Thiolates/Hydrosulfides". Thesis submitted on: 22/07/2019; Ph.D. Viva-voce completed on 14/09/2020. Former Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Lawrence Que, Jr. at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Nicolai Lehnert at The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.
3. Dr. Manish Jana (12/06/2015-12/08/2021): Thesis Title: "Functional Modeling Chemistry of Flavodiiron Nitric Oxide Reductases". Thesis submitted on: 09/09/2020. Ph.D, Viva-voce completed on 12/08/2021. Former Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Marcetta Y. Darensbourg at Texas A&M University, Collage Station, Texas, USA. Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. R. Graham Cooks at Aston Labs, Perdue University, USA.
4. Dr. Ayan Das (02/09/2016-30/07/2020): Open Thesis Seminar Completed on 05/02/2021.Thesis Title: "Dinuclear Transition Metal Complexes of Thiolates and Hydrosulfides". Thesis submitted on: 23/06/2021. Ph.D. Viva-voce completed on 01/09/2021. Current Position: Assistant Officer, Quality Control at HPCL.                                                               
5. Dr. Tuhin Ganguly (02/09/2016-24/09/2021): Open Thesis Seminar Completed on 18/06/2021. Thesis Title: "Transition Metal Mediated Desulfurization of Organosulfur Substrates". Thesis submitted on: 06/07/2021. Ph.D. Viva-voce completed on 24/09/2021. Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Loi H. Do, University of Houston, USA.
6. Dr. Tilak Naskar (14/12/2015-09/09/2022): Open Thesis Seminar Completed on 30/06/2022. Thesis Title: "Reactivity of Binuclear Transition Metal Complexes with Thiolates and Sulfide". Thesis submitted on: 11/07/2022. Ph.D. Viva-voce completed on 09/09/2022. Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Junhyeok Seo at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea.
7. Dr. Sayan Atta (29/07/2019-24/07/2024): Open Thesis Seminar Completed on 16/07/2024. Thesis Title: "Transition Metal Complexes of Polychalcogenides and Nitrite: Oxidation of Polychalcogenides and Reduction of Nitrite". Thesis submitted on: 24/07/2024. Viva-voce completed on 11/11/2024.
8. Kamal Hossain (06/01/2020-01/01/2025): Open Thesis Seminar Completed on 20/12/2024. Thesis Title: "Activation of Elemental Chalcogens and Reduction of Nitrite in Binuclear Transition Metal Complexes". Thesis submitted on: 01/01/2025. 
Past Research Associates
  • Dr. Manisha Das (SERB NPDF, 03/01/2020 - 02/01/2022) Current Position: Assistant Professor in Midnapore City College.
  • Dr. Koushik Pramanik (RA-1, 31/05/2019 - 31/05/2021)
  • Dr. Mithun Chandra Majee (RA-1, 12/02/2018 - 12/02/2019) Current Position: Assistant Professor in B. B. College, Asansol.
Project Students
  • Ms. Lipika Baral (M.S. IACS, One Year Project, July 2024-May 2025)
  • Ms. Srimayee Mukherjee (M.S. IISER Berhampur, July 2024-May, 2025)
  • Ms. Diya Ray (B.Sc., St. Xavier’s College, 5th June, 2024-14th July, 2024)
  • Ms. Bibhabori Ghosh (M.Sc. Summer Project, Lady Brabourne College, 16th April-30th June, 2024)
  • Ms. Shreya Chowdhury (M.Sc., Behala College, 1st September, 2023-18th March, 2024)
  • Ms. Suchismita Karmakar (BS-MS, IACS, Two Years Project, June 2023----)
  • Mr. Rajib Hazra (MS, IIT KGP, Summer Project, 3rd May-5th July, 2023)
  • Ms. Ankita Das (M.Sc. Summer Project, Lady Brabourne College, 10th April-10th June, 2023)
  • Mr. Rahul Saha (Int. Ph.D. IACS, One Year Project, 2022-2023)
  • Ms. Suchismita Karmakar (BS-MS, Sem-IV, IACS, Summer Project, May 2022-July 2022)
  • Ms. Amina Khatun (M.Sc. Summer Project, Lady Brabourne College, 15th March-24th May, 2022)
  • Ms. Ananya Hati (Int. Ph.D. IACS, One Year Project, 2021-2022)
  • Ms. Asima Maji (Int. Ph.D. IACS, One Year Project, 2020-2021)
  • Ms. Anindita Ghosh (Int. Ph.D. IACS, One Year Project, 2019-2020)
  • Mr. Jyotiprokash Biswas (M.Sc. University of Calcutta, July 2019-March, 2020)
  • Ms. Pallavi Kundu (M.Sc. Summer Project, Central University of Jharkhand, May-July, 2019)
  • Ms. Priyanka Saha (M.Sc. Summer Project, Lady Brabourne College, April-May, 2019)
  • Mr. Shuvajit Ghosh (M.Sc. Summer Project, IIT Hyderabad, May-July, 2018)
  • Ms. Kuheli Dutta (M.Sc. Summer Project, IIT Kanpur, May-July, 2018)
  • Mr. Sudip Baguli (M.Sc. Summer Project, R. K. M. R. C. Narendrapur, March-April, 2018)
  • Ms. Satarupa Das (BS-MS Dual Degree, IISER Kolkata, May-July, 2017)
  • Mr. Monojit Nandi (BS-MS Dual Degree, IISER Bhopal, May-July, 2017)
  • Mr. Anindya Roy (M.Sc. Summer Project, IIT Hyderabad, May-July, 2017)
  • Ms. Anindita Sasmal (M.Sc. Summer Project, Behala College, March-April, 2017)
  • Mr. Chandan Nandi (M.Sc. Summer Project, R. K. M. R. C. Narendrapur, March-April, 2017)
  • Mr. Partha Bhattacharyya (M.Sc. Summer Project, R. K. M. R. C. Narendrapur)
  • Mr. Pallab Modak (Int. Ph.D. IACS, One Year Project)



Invited Lectures in National and International Forums:

16. 11th Asian Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (AsBIC11) during  during 1st-6th December, 2024 at Guilin, China.

15. Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences (RACS 2024) during  during 7th-9th November, 2024 at IIEST Shibpur, India.

14. International Conference on Catalysis (IC²) during 11th-13th March, 2024 at IACS, Kolkata, India.

13. 6th Symposium on Advanced Biological Inorganic Chemistry (SABIC-2024) during 7th-11th January, 2024 at Kolkata, India.

12. Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (MTIC)-XX during 14th-17th December, 2023 at IISc Bangalore, India.

11. 10th Asian Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (AsBIC10) during 28th November-3rd December, 2022 at Kobe, Japan.

10. Inorganic Chemistry Discussion Meeting  on 15th January, 2020 at IISER Kolkata.

9. Indo-French Symposium on "Small Molecule Activation for Fuels and Commodity Chemicals Production" during

    November 27-29, 2019 at IACS, Kolkata, India.

8. 19th International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry (ICBIC-19) during August 11-16, 2019 in Interlaken,


7. 'Metal ions in Biology' on 24th June, 2019 at St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata, India.

6. National Conference on Functional Molecules (NCOFM-2019) on 30th March, 2019 at University of Calcutta, India.

5. 9th Asian Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference (AsBIC-9) during 9th-14thDecember, 2018 in Singapore.

4. Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry (MTIC)-XVII during 11th-14th December, 2017 at Pune, India.

3. In House Symposium at IACS, Kolkata, India in March, 2017.

2. 5th Symposium on Advanced Biological Inorganic Chemistry (SABIC 2017) during 7th - 11th January, 2017 at Kolkata, India.

1. Indo-French seminar on 'Bio-inorganic Approaches to Current Health Problems' during March 24 - 28, 2014 at Pondicherry University, Pudhucherry, India.



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Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
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