Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science

Name : Mintu Mondal

Department : School of Physical Sciences
Designation : Associate Professor
Contact : +91 33 2473 4971 (Ext: 2115)
Email :

Spectroscopy of Functional and Quantum Materials

(Group's personal website - RESEARCH GROUP)

Students with Ph.D.:  Interested to join our group?

Contact us with CVs for applying DST-NPDF fellowshipyes


Research focus: Exploring Novel Quantum Phenomena and Materials for Advanced Device Applications

We are working on low-dimensional vdW materials, for example, (1) Quasi-2D vdW ferromagnets and topological materials, and (2) Quasi-1D vdW materials. These materials provide us with a versatile scientific platform for studying critical quantum phenomena, such as the dynamical response of charge density waves (CDW) and topological phases in 1D chains, with enormous potential for device applications.


May 2024: Congratulations to Mr. Sk Kalimuddin for the manuscript titled “Exceptionally slow, long-range, and non-Gaussian critical fluctuations dominate the charge density wave transitionaccepted in Physical Review Letters.

August 2023: Congratulations to Mr. Satyabrata Bera for the manuscript titled “Anomalous Hall effect induced by Berry curvature in topological nodal-line van der Waals ferromagnet Fe4GeTe2accepted in Physical Review B.

July 2023: Congratulations to Mr. Satyabrata Bera for the manuscript titled “Enhanced coercivity and emergence of spin cluster glass state in 2D ferromagnetic material Fe3GeTe2accepted in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.


July 2023: Congratulations to Mr. Arnab Bera for the manuscript titled “Centrosymmetric-noncentrosymmetric Structural Phase Transition in Quasi one-dimensional compound, (TaSe4)3Ipublished in Physical Review B.


July 2023: Congratulations to Prof. Goutam Sheet & his group and Mr. Satyabrata Bera for the manuscript titled “High transport spin polarization in the van der Waals ferromagnet, Fe4GeTe2published in Physical Review B.


February 2023: Congratulations to Arnab Bera for the manuscript titled "Emergence of electric field-induced conducting states in single-crystalline MoTe2 nanoflakes and its application in memristive devices", published in Applied Surface Science.


January 2023: Congratulations to Mr. Satyabrata, Prof. Malik, and his group members for the manuscript titled “Charge Transport and Low-frequency conductance Noise in Metal-nanoparticle Embedded One-dimensional Conducting Polymer Nanotubes: Multiple Resistive Switching Phenomenapublished in Materials Today Nano.

January 2023: Congratulations to Mr. Satybrata Bera for the manuscript titled "Unravelling the nature of spin reorientation transition in quasi-2D vdW magnetic material, Fe4GeTe2", published in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.

June 2022: Congratulations to Sk Kalimuddin and Dr. Biswajit Das for the manuscript titled "Nonlinear coherent light-matter interaction in 2D MoSe2 nanoflakes for all-optical switching and logic applications", published in Advanced Optical Materials.



Academic Profile

Professional position:

Associate Professor, 2022 - Pres., School of Physical Sciences, IACS, Kolkata

Assistant Professor, 2017 - 2022, School of Physical Sciences, IACS, Kolkata


Postdoctoral research:

Postdoctoral fellow, 2016 – 2017, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, USA.

Postdoctoral fellow, 2013 – 2016, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.



Ph.D., 2008 – 2013, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India.

M.Sc., 2006 – 2008, Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.

B.Sc., 2003 – 2006, Physics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India.



Mr. Arnab Bera

M.Sc., RKMVU Belur Math


Research topic: Electronic transport properties of low dimensional metal-chalcogenides.

Mr. Satyabrata Bera

M.Sc., IIT Guwahati


Research topic: Investigation of transport and magnetic properties of low dimensional magnetic materials.

Sk Kalimuddin



Research topic:  Electrodynamic response of quasi-one-dimensional systems

Mr. Deep Singha Roy

JRF (Inspire)
M.Sc., RKMRC (Narendrapur)


Research topic: Investigation of carrier dynamics using THz spectroscopy and 1/f conductance fluctuation measurements.

Soham Das

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Tuhin Debnath

M.Sc., West Bengal State University









Applied Physics Letters: 1
Nature communication [IF 17.69]: 1
Materials Today Nano [IF 13.364]: 1
Advanced Optical Materials [IF 10.05]: 1
Applied Surface Science [IF 7.392]: 1
ACS Applied Electronic Materials [IF 4.494]: 1
Others: 7


Book chapters:

1. Sk Kalimuddina, Satyabrata Bera, Arnab Bera, Suman Kalyan Pradhana and Mintu Mondal*, Low-frequency 1/f conductance noise in memristors,
Advanced Memory Technology, Royal Society of Chemistry,  in press (2023)

Publications in refereed journals:

34. Sk Kalimuddin, Sudipta Chatterjee, Arnab Bera, Hasan Afzal, Satyabrata Bera, Deep Singha Roy, Soham Das, Tuhin Debnath, Bhavtosh Bansal*, and Mintu Mondal*, Exceptionally slow, long-range, and non-Gaussian critical fluctuations dominate the charge density wave transition, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 (26), 266504 (2024).
33. Satyabrata Bera, Sudipta Chatterjee, Subhadip Pradhan, Suman Kalyan Pradhan, Sk Kalimuddin, Arnab Bera, Ashis K. Nandy, and Mintu Mondal*, Anomalous Hall effect induced by Berry curvature in the topological nodal-line van der Waals ferromagnet Fe4GeTe2, Phys. Rev. B 108, 115122 (2023)
32. Satyabrata Bera, Suman Kalyan Pradhan, Riju Pal, Buddhadeb Pal, Arnab Bera, Sk Kalimuddin, Manjil Das, Deep Singha Roy, Hasan Afzal, Atindra Nath Pal, and Mintu Mondal*, Enhanced coercivity and emergent spin-cluster-glass state in 2D ferromagnetic material, Fe3GeTe2 , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 583, 171052(2023)
31. Arnab Bera, Samir Rom, Suman Kalyan Pradhan, Satyabrata Bera, Sk Kalimuddin, Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta*, and Mintu Mondal*, Centrosymmetric-noncentrosymmetric Structural Phase Transition in Quasi one-dimensional compound,(TaSe4)3I,
Phys. Rev. B 108, 035112 (2023)
30. Deepti Rana, Monika Bhakar, G Basavaraja, Satyabrata Bera, Neeraj Saini, Suman Kalyan Pradhan, Mintu Mondal, Mukul Kabir, and Goutam Sheet, High transport spin polarization in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe4GeTe2 ,
Phys. Rev. B 107 (22), 224422(2023)
29. Satyabrata Bera, Puspendu Das, Biswajit Das, Sanjoy Mondal, Praduman Kumar Gupta, Arnab Bera, Sk Kalimuddin, Sk Mustak Ahamed, Sirshendu Gayen, Mintu Mondal*, and Sudip Malik, Charge Transport and Low-frequency conductance Noise in Metal-nanoparticle Embedded One- dimensional Conducting Polymer Nanotubes: Multiple Resistive Switching Phenomena,
Materials Today Nano 22, 100312(2023)
28. Satyabrata Bera, Suman Kalyan Pradhan, Md Salman Khan, Riju Pal, Buddhadeb Pal, Sk Kalimuddin, Arnab Bera, Biswajit Das, Atindra Nath Pal,and Mintu Mondal* Unravelling the nature of spin reorientation transition in quasi-2D vdW magnetic material, Fe4GeTe2,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 565, 170257(2023)
27. Arnab Bera, Mohan Kundu, Bikash Das, Sk Kalimuddin, Satyabrata Bera, Deep Singha Roy, Suman Kalyan Pradhan, Sanjib Naskar, Subodh Kumar De, Biswajit Das, and Mintu Mondal*, Emergence of electric field-induced conducting states in single-crystalline MoTe2 nanoflakes and its application in memristive device,
Applied Surface Science 610, 155409(2023)
26. Kalimuddin Sk, Biswajit Das, Nabamita Chakraborty, Madhupriya Samanta, Satyabrata Bera, Arnab Bera, Deep Singha Roy, Suman Kalyan Pradhan, Kalyan K Chattopadhyay, and Mintu Mondal*, Nonlinear Coherent Light–Matter Interaction in 2D MoSe2 Nanoflakes for All-Optical Switching and Logic Applications,
Advanced Optical Materials 10, 2200791(2022)
25. Suman Kalyan Pradhan, Raktim Datta, Subham Majumdar, Mintu Mondal*, and Subodh Kumar De, Emergence of exchange bias effect in double perovskite La2Cu0.9Fe0.1IrO6 originated from Fe doping,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 559, 169538(2022)
24. Sruthi S, Deepa S. Narang, Prasad Vishnubhotla, Arnab Bera, Sk Kalimuddin, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Mintu Mondal, and Aveek Bid, Interband scattering across the Lifshitz transition in WTe2,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 115421 (2022)
23. Biswajit Das, Arnab Bera, Madhupriya Samanta, Satyabrata Bera, Sk Kalimuddin, Mohan Kundu, Sirshendu Gayen, Kalyan Kumar Chattopadhyay and Mintu Mondal*, Resistive Switching in a MoSe2 Based Memory Device Investigated Using Conductance Noise Spectroscopy,
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 3, 7, 3096–3105 (2021)
22. Arnab Bera, Satyabrata Bera, Sk Kalimuddin, Sirshendu Gayen, Mohan Kundu, Biswajit Das and Mintu Mondal*, Review of recent progress on THz spectroscopy of quantum materials: superconductors, magnetic and topological materials,
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 230, 4113–4139 (2021)
21. Rafikul Ali Saha, Abhisek Bandyopadhyay, Irene Schiesaro, Arnab Bera, Mintu Mondal, Carlo Meneghini, and Sugata Ray, Colossal electroresistance response accompanied by metal-insulator transition in a mixed-valent vanadate,
Phys. Rev. B 104 (4), 045149 (2021)
20. Dipanjan Chaudhuri, Maryam Salehi, Sayak Dasgupta, Mintu Mondal, Jisoo Moon, Deepti Jain, Seongshik Oh and NP Armitage, Ambipolar magneto-optical response of ultralow carrier density topological insulators,
Phys. Rev. B 103 (8), L081110 (2021)
19. G Venditti, J Biscaras, S Hurand, N Bergeal, J Lesueur, A Dogra, RC Budhani, Mintu Mondal, John Jesudasan, Pratap Raychaudhuri, S Caprara, L Benfatto, Nonlinear I-V characteristics of two-dimensional superconductors: Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless physics versus inhomogeneity,
Phys. Rev. B 100, 064506 (2019)
18. Mintu Mondal, Dipanjan Chaudhuri, Maryam Salehi, Cheng Wan, N. J. Laurita, Bing Cheng, Andreas V. Stier, Michael A. Quintero, Jisoo Moon, Deepti Jain, Pavel P. Shibayev, James R. Neilson, Seongshik Oh, and N. P. Armitage, Electric field modulated topological magnetoelectric effect in Bi2Se3,
Phys. Rev. B 98, 121106(R) (2018)
17. Simone Gasparinetti, Marek Pechal, Jean-Claude Besse, Mintu Mondal, Christopher Eichler, and Andreas Wallraff, Correlations and Entanglement of Microwave Photons Emitted in a Cascade Decay,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 140504 (2017)
16.  T.  Walter,  P.  Kurpiers,  S.  Gasparinetti,  P.  Magnard,  A.  Potoˇcnik,  Y.  Salath´e,  M.  Pechal, Mintu Mondal, M. Oppliger, C. Eichler, and A. Wallraff, Rapid High-Fidelity Single-Shot Dispersive Readout of Superconducting Qubits,
Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 054020 (2017)
15.  Markus Jerger, Yarema Reshitnyk, Markus Oppliger, Anton Potoˇcnik, Mintu Mondal, Andreas Wallraff, Kenneth Goodenough, Stephanie Wehner, Kristinn Juliusson, Nathan K. Langford and Arkady Fedorov, Contextuality without nonlocality in a superconducting quantum system,
Nature Communications 7, 12930 (2016)
14. M. Pechal, J.-C. Besse, Mintu Mondal, M. Oppliger, S. Gasparinetti, and A. Wallraff, Super- conducting Switch for Fast On-Chip Routing of Quantum Microwave Fields,
Phys. Rev. Applied 6, 024009 (2016)
13.  Y Salath´e, Mintu Mondal, M Oppliger, J Heinsoo, P Kurpiers, A Potoˇcnik, A Mezzacapo, U Las Heras, L Lamata, E Solano, S Filipp and A Wallraff, Digital quantum simulation of spin models with circuit quantum electrodynamics,
Phys. Rev. X 5, 021027 (2015)
12. R Koushik, Siddhartha Kumar, Kazi Rafsanjani Amin, Mintu Mondal, John Jesudasan, Aveek Bid, Pratap Raychaudhuri and Arindam Ghosh, Correlated Conductance Fluctuations Close to the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition in Ultrathin NbN Films,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 197001 (2013)
11. Mintu Mondal, Anand Kamlapure, Somesh Chandra Ganguli, John Jesudasan, Vivas Bagwe, Lara Benfatto and Pratap Raychaudhuri, Enhancement of the finite-frequency superfluid response in the pseudogap regime of strongly disordered superconducting films,
Scientific Reports 3, 1357 (2013)
10. Mintu Mondal, Bhanu Joshi, Sanjeev Kumar, Anand Kamlapure, Somesh Chandra Ganguli, Aru- mugam Thamizhavel, Sudhansu S. Mandal, Srinivasan Ramakrishnan, and Pratap Raychaudhuri, Andreev bound state and multiple energy gaps in the noncentrosymmetric superconductor BiPd, Phys. Rev. B 86, 094520 (2012)
9. Madhavi Chand, Garima Saraswat, Anand Kamlapure, Mintu Mondal, Sanjeev Kumar, John Jesudasan, Vivas Bagwe, Lara Benfatto, Vikram Tripathi, and Pratap Raychaudhuri, Phase diagram of a strongly disordered s-wave superconductor, NbN, close to the metal-insulator transition,
Phys. Rev. B 85, 014508 (2012)
8. Mintu Mondal, Sanjeev Kumar, Madhavi Chand, Anand Kamlapure, Garima Saraswat, G. Seibold,L. Benfatto and Pratap Raychaudhuri, Role of the vortex-core energy on the Beresinkii-Kosterlitz- Thouless transition in thin films of NbN,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 217003 (2011)
7. Mintu Mondal, Anand Kamlapure, Madhavi Chand, Garima Saraswat, Sanjeev Kumar, John Jesudasan, L. Benfatto, Vikram Tripathi, Pratap Raychaudhuri, Phase fluctuations in a strongly disordered s-wave NbN superconductor close to the metal-insulator transition,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 047001 (2011)
6. Mintu Mondal, Madhavi Chand, Anand Kamlapure, John Jesudasan, Vivas C. Bagwe, Sanjeev Kumar, Garima Saraswat, Vikram Tripathi and Pratap Raychaudhuri, Phase diagram and upper critical field of homogeneously disordered epitaxial 3-dimensional NbN films,
J. Supercond Nov Magn 24, 341 (2011)
5. Anand Kamlapure, Mintu Mondal*, Madhavi Chand, Archana Mishra, John Jesudasan, Vivas Bagwe, Vikram Tripathi and Pratap Raychaudhuri, Penetration depth and tunneling studies in very thin epitaxial NbN films,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 072509 (2010)
4. Yang Xiaoyan, You Lixing, Zhang Lijie, Huang Shaoming, Mintu Mondal, Sanjeev Kumar, John Jesudasan, Pratap Raychaudhuri,
Cryogenics and Superconductivity 11, 002 (2010)
3. Madhavi Chand, Archana Mishra, Y. M. Xiong, Anand Kamlapure, S. P. Chockalingam, John Jesudasan, Vivas Bagwe, Mintu Mondal, P. W. Adams, Vikram Tripathi, and Pratap Raychaud- huri,Temperature dependence of resistivity and Hall coefficient in strongly disordered NbN thin films,
Phys. Rev. B 80, 134514 (2009)
2. Dibyendu Hazra, Mintu Mondal, and Anjan K. Gupta, Correlation between structural and superconducting properties of nano-granular disordered Nb thin films,
Physica C 469, 268 (2009)
1. Dibyendu Hazra, Subhadeep Datta, Mintu Mondal, Jay Ghatak, P. V. Satyam and Anjan K. Gupta, Thickness dependent lattice expansion in nanogranular Nb thin films,
J. Appl. Phys. 103, 103535 (2008)


Details are available on our group website - RESEARCH GROUP

Our primary research focus is the investigation of quantum phenomena in various functional quantum materials, including superconductors, novel magnetic (such as 2D magnets and spin liquid systems), and topological materials. We also study their properties in nanostructures to probe critical quantum phenomena in the nanoscale for device applications.

We probe these materials by measuring the electrodynamic response at different energy scales using measurement techniques such as THz spectroscopy and low-frequency 1/f conductance noise spectroscopy.  Here is a list of a few important measurement probes used for our study.

1) THz spectroscopy

Currently, we are setting up the THz spectroscopy using components purchased from different sources.


2) Electron transport

(a) Low-frequency 1/f conductance noise spectroscopy – DC and lock-in based 1/f  noise measurements.

(b) Four probe transport/ hall effect down to 1.7 K


3) Thermal transport

Thermoelectric power", “Thermal conductivity” measurements, and “Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)” to investigate phase transitions and slow dynamics in different functional quantum materials over the temperature range from 77 K to 400 K.


4) Spacial self-phase modulation (SSPM) spectroscopy

The strong light-matter interactions in 2D and 1D materials can produce many interesting nonlinear optical phenomena and quasiparticle excitations that can have far-reaching implications in science and technology. The recently developed SSPM spectroscopy will be very effective in understanding the response of charge density wave (CDW) and their coherent interactions with light in 1D and 2D materials. Recently, we used SSPM to study nonlinear light-matter interactions in MoSe2-based composites and FnGeTe2 (with n = 3, 4, and 5).

(a) Sk Kalimuddin et al., 2022, Advanced Optical Materials, 2200791 (2022).

(b) Satybrata Bera et al., 2022 (under preparation).


Open Positions

Students with PhD: Interested to join our group? Contact us with CVs for applying DST-NPDF fellowshipyes

We have one Ph.D. position (preferably with UGC-CSIR JRF) and one postdoc position (willing to apply for NPDF!) in our group.  Interested candidates are encouraged to send their CVs to Dr. Mondal at or